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Welcome to Aphasia Community!

Community Aphasia Groups are an important way for people with aphasia and their families to connect with other people living with aphasia.

Research into community aphasia groups has demonstrated that they can assist with adapting to changes in ability post stroke and acquired brain injury and can help people to find new and positive ways to live well with aphasia.

Community aphasia groups provide:

  • Professional and peer-based support
  • Vital opportunities for community engagement and activity
  • A safe environment to meet new people post brain injury.  

Within these pages you will find a database of community aphasia groups in Australia that is updated every six months. There are also a range of resources that you are free to download and incorporate into your group activities.

As a team of passionate volunteers our primary goal is to support and promote high quality aphasia groups and help people with aphasia to connect with one another. 

Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to tell us about an aphasia group in your community, or to provide feedback on how we can continue to improve this site.